Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Oh So True

Jeromy just read this in one of his books:

"Parents are not interested in justice. They are interested in quiet." -Bill Cosby

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Welcome Benjamin Matthew!

Okay, so I know my child is 6 weeks old and I'm just now posting pictures of him, but please forgive this. There is just so much 1 person can do right after having her 4th child. Luckily, we're starting to find a rythym and all is well. Hope you enjoy these pictures, cuz we're sure enjoying Ben! (Sorry in advance for the TONS of pictures, but he's just so darn cute!)

Benjamin Matthew Wilson (Jeromy is trying to get Beamer to stick for his nickname due to his initials, I like Tex due to his size) was born at 12:55 pm on March 4th, 2010. He was 9 pounds 5 ounces, and 21 inches long. He has dark hair and dark eyes and looks very much like his Daddy, only without the red hair (for now).

The C-Section went pretty smoothly, although major surgery is always scary. My diabetes went away pretty much as soon as he came out, which was rather nice. But birth made Ben's blood sugar dip really low and he lost a ton of weight that first day (about 11%), which was a little scary, so he had to have a couple of formula feedings to regulate that. Luckily, it did, which we're very grateful for. By 2 weeks, he was almost a pound past his birth weight. And now, at almost 7 weeks old, he doesn't fit in hardly any of his 0-3 month clothing. Slow down, kiddo! We're in no hurry for you to grow up.

My mom stayed for another 2 weeks after he was born, which was an immense help. A week later we had a house full of company to bless the boy. It's so nice to have so much love and support! My recovery was pretty rapid at first, but at a few weeks, I was stupid and lifted when I shouldn't and strained/tore some muscles, so I wasn't much of a happy camper when our families visited. The week after the blessing, things at work got really crazy for Jeromy and he had to work till almost midnight some nights, and then go back in at 6am. So much for saving up his days off for when the baby came! It's gotten a bit better since, although he's gone all this week on a business trip. We miss him tons when he's gone. Now things are starting to get back to "normal," if there is such a thing ;) and we're absolutely loving this new little/big addition to our family. We feel so blessed, and a smidge guilty for being so blessed. But thankful all the same. Thanks to all who have helped us recently. We're so fortunate to have great friends and family in our lives.

We try to take a picture of my belly relatively close to delivery. So here's me the night before. Honestly, I think I've been bigger. How did a 9 pounder fit in there?

Seconds old.

Old man face:

Look at that hair!

Handsome Benjamin.

First mug shot. Look at the size of those hands! They were as big as his 3-month old neighbor, although she's a dainty little girl, so can't be justifiably compared.

This is a favorite Ben face of mine.

Me holding him for the first time. I think. Maybe the second time, I can't tell. Either way, I'm just out of recovery and getting to know my boy.

First bath.

Grandma C. holding him for the first time.

Benjamin and the girls. We just brought him home from the hospital.

Audrey holding him for the first time.

Kierra holding him for the first time.

Jacob holding his first brother for the first time.

He didn't know quite what to do at first, but quickly warmed up to his new baby.

They were so happy to finally have him home!

What a big sister! For awhile, they were all fighting over who had pacifier duty. Now I have to bribe them.

Except for Jacob. He LOVES putting that pacifier in. Sometimes I don't even need to ask.

What a fun little helper.

Grandma W. holding him for one of the first times (I think he's about a week and a half old here).

His first real bath at home, he's 2 1/2 weeks old here (it took that long for his cord to come off!).

Well, that's our Benjamin, the first couple weeks anyway. My neighbor took some really cute pictures of him when he was a month old, hopefully I'll be posting some of those shortly.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Baby on the Brain

We've all got baby on the brain over here. Jacob has moved in with the girls, and at first was a little sad. Until we explained to him that his old bed and bedroom were for the baby when he comes out, and then he was fine. "Oh, baby. Oh." and nodded and went on with what he was doing. So sweet.

I am amazed at how much this little guy understands about what it going on, even though he can't talk and communicate as much as he'd like. He is only 2, after all. We were reading a book about baby animals made out of fruits and vegetables, and the last baby was a human baby (made out of apples or something). Anyway, he pointed to it and said, "Momma-baby" and then pointed to my stomach. And sometimes he'll kiss my belly or hug it or try to feed goldfish to it.

The girls have been very excited as well. They've been counting down the days till my scheduled c-section for awhile, as well as a countdown to when my mom comes (today! Hurray!). One day when we figured out we could actually count down the days, Audrey started jumping around yelling the number, while Kierra came up and whispered in my ear, "I can't wait to see what the baby looks like!" Jacob, seeing all this excitement for the baby, came up to my other ear and whispered, "Baby." Oh, the heart melts sometimes.

Anyway, the big day is Thursday, March 4th!! Only 5 more days!! Wish us luck!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Diabetes Continued

Things have been calming down a bit lately. I've gotten over my pity party and am managing the diabetes a lot better. I was really hungry the first couple of weeks on the new diet (which, as you can imagine, is not a fun thing when you're pregant), but I guess my stomach is getting used to it cuz I've actually gotten full a few times in the past week or so. I also lost a pound in that first 2 weeks, maintaining the weight the next 2 weeks. And yet the baby continues to grow and is at the top of the charts (past the charts for belly size- but that sounds a lot like my other babies). Last week, at 33 weeks, he was supposed to be measuring somewhere at 4 to 4 1/2 pounds. But he was guesstimated at 6 pounds 4 oz. So we're expecting him to be ginormous in a month from now, which is when the doc estimates my c-section to be scheduled. (But big isn't always a good thing- it could mean that he'll be an overweight child with a chance of getting diabetes sometime in life.)

The other risks for baby is that he'll most likely have to be on a sugar solution for the first few days of life because of a drop in sugar levels. After a couple of days, it usually normalizes. He also has a good shot at getting jaundice, which I'm worried will hinder him learning how to nurse. I'm kind of a nipple nazi, and if he has to be on a bottle of formula to deal with the jaundice, I'm nervous as to what will happen, not to mention the cons of having jaundice. Anyway, there are other risks beforehand, that my placenta will get so worn out from the crazy levels of blood sugar going back and forth, that it'll give up before it's supposed to, resulting in a stillborn. Trying not to dwell on that. But my doctor said yesterday that my placenta is looking ok, so lets hope. Another risk is that he'll be so huge that he could trick my body into thinking its time when it really isn't, and therefore having underdeveloped lungs, etc. One thing I don't have to worry about is the risk of breaking one of his shoulders or something during childbirth because of his huge size. Yeah for C-Sections!

My risks are basically that I have a 50% chance of developing Type 2 diabetes sometime in life. If that means I have to eat like this for the rest of my life, I'm going to try REALLY hard to avoid this! And if I exercise everyday for the rest of my life, those risks go down dramatically. So here goes.

This is how I have to eat, in a nutshell:

2 carbs and 2 proteins for breakfast with an optional non-starchy veggie, (so that means no cereal- my fave)
1 carb and 1 protein and that optional non-starchy veggie for each of 3 snacks in between meals,
and up to 4 carbs and 4 proteins for lunch and dinner, with up to 2 non-starchy veggies.

You'd be surprised by what a carb is. Yogurt, milk, fruit, many veggies, legumes and beans are all considered carbs, along with grains and starches. So the only proteins I can choose from are meats, cheese, and nuts basically. I LOVE cheese, but not so much the meats and nuts. And each portion is smaller than you'd think, hence the hunger. I so miss being able to have a chocolate or sweet any time I wanted! Now if I want something like that, I have to wait until meal or snack time and pair it with a protein. And the more scheduled I am with eating, the better.

Anyway, stress is one of the things that screws with your insulin levels, so we've been trying to calm life down a bit around here (although sometimes that bugs me because I want to get so much done before the baby comes!) Much of that has to do with a lot taken off my plate in my calling in YW, and help from friends and family. And Jeromy has been amazing. He comes home right at 5 (usually) to help with that crazy hour before dinner (you moms know what I'm talking about;). He's been such a huge help with the chores and such since now I'm really huge and never know when a sugar low might attack and render me energy-less. And he's been an amazing help with trying to get me to throw stuff away and organize the house before the baby comes. Nesting is in full swing at our house! And it's not just me! We organized ALL toys in our home on Saturday (it took the whole day) and took a van full of toys and games to DI. Now all of our toys actually fit into the cubbies in our toy room, and the kids can easily put things away by themselves. Yeah! The next project is to organize our bedroom and the basement.

So sorry for the novel! I just thought I'd update you on how things are going around here. It's crazy but getting easier, and we are all very anxious to meet this big little guy.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Silly Kierra

Here are some funny things the kids have said lately:

Me: So, Kierra, we're going to go see some really cool Christmas lights that dance to music. We'll just sit in the car and watch and it will be crazy cool.
Kierra: (just stares at me with big eyes for a few seconds) You just knocked my brain out.

Kierra: Logan's my boyfriend (she said this numerous times over the course of the week)
Me: No, he's your cousin. We don't inbreed.
Logan: Well I do.

Update on Crazy

Things have been pretty crazy here lately. Last week, as soon as we got home from our week-long vacation at my sister's (had so much fun! Thanks!), I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. It's a lot more stressful and hard to deal with than it sounds, but each day gets a little bit easier. The day after my huge appointment at the hospital with a dietician and nurse to learn how much my life will have to change for the next 2 months, Jacob came down with croup, which turned into pneumonia the next day. The day after that, Jeromy left on a business trip. Stress always comes in three's, right?

Luckily, my sweet mother-in-law saved the day and rearranged her schedule for us so she could come down and help. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Things got much better as soon as she arrived, including Jacob's pneumonia. It went away almost completely in about 3 days. So glad we caught it early, what a blessing. So now we're kind of in limbo, trying to get over this cold Jacob gave me, and trying to just deal. This diet is so hard! It takes so much mental energy, which I don't have thanks to the diabetes. And I thought Weight Watchers was difficult! This is 10 times worse. Oh well. Only 8 (at most) more weeks till baby!!!

The kids have been really good this week. After breakfast this morning, I wasn't feeling up to doing anything, so I laid down on the couch. The girls went upstairs, got into their princess dresses, and got out their new Go Fish game. Jacob just played with cars around them. Huge relief that they know how to play by themselves (and not fight!!). Last week was a different story.

So that's how things are going around here. Next week will be much better!

Saturday, October 24, 2009


While running errands this week, Audrey sang "I'm a Little Teapot" to me. At the end, she told me, "That's for tea. But we don't drink tea. Except if it's Burble Tea. It's called that because it's made out of burbles. And because sometimes it makes you burble. Does it make you burble, Mom?" I was too busy laughing to respond.

Wilson Car Wash

A couple Saturdays ago, we decided to teach the kids how to wash the van. It was actually quite enjoyable!

My men:

We went through a lot of water since Jacob didn't know how to wring out his rag, and wanted to resoak it every 3 seconds. Too cute.

Audrey was playing around with the hose while Jeromy was finishing toweling off the van. So I told her she should get Daddy (but not the van), and she totally got him in the back of his head! It was hilarious!!

Kindergarten Field Trip

A couple weeks ago was the Kindergarten field trip, and since I have a live-in babysitter (thanks Laurel!), I was able to go with them. So fun!

Audrey and Hannah, best friends and neighbors.

If you haven't seen Zuri, the new baby elephant, you have to go! She is so adorable!! I have never seen an animal act so toddler-ish. She would play with the sticks Mommy was chewing on, climb over stuff, stumble, etc. She liked playing with this cable, wrapping her trunk around it.

At another point, she was across the yard, spotted a big swarm of children that had just arrived, and beelined it over to them. She desparately wanted to get out and play!

My little Vanna, displaying some bones.

We didn't make it to the whole park because the girls kept wanting to stop and pose for pictures. Funny girls.



My handsome little man, pretending to sleep in my bed.


We had the most amazing double rainbow on Tuesday! Absolutely incredible! Of course, my pictures don't do it justice, but it was still fascinating. We could see it arch across the whole valley. So cool.

Candy Experiments

Have you heard about I read about it in a magazine, then told my sis about it, and she went directly into the kitchen to try to find some candy. A mom started the website after trying a few experiments with her kids. They had so much fun that the next year, the kids picked out a few pieces of candy to eat, then happily donated the rest to science.

The one we tried is the M&M experiment. You put an M&M (or Skittle) in a bowl of water for a couple of minutes, and the "M" peels off completely intact, and floats to the top. Crazy!

The candy coating also dissolves and floats to the top, looking really gross.

Our kids loved it! They started trying all sorts of candy, whatever we could find. Jacob was content to suck on a peppermint, then spit it into the water, then suck on it for awhile, then spit it out again. Loads of fun (ilch!). We're excited to get some Tootsie Pops or Lemonheads from Halloween, so we can try some even cooler experiments.

Live Nativity

Attention!! All who like to celebrate Christmas by looking at Nativities, listen up! Our stake here in Draper puts on a LIVE Nativity every year. It. is. insane. It's all outside and all alive. Even the camels, lamas, and other animals are real. They create buildings and palm trees (out of real palm fronds imported from St. George) and have live actors throughout. You just walk through a mini version of Bethlehem, complete with merchants, animals, fires, etc., until you end up at a stable with a real live 1-month-old baby in a heated manger. I got to help the youth this morning in preparations for this awesome event (we were in charge of harvesting a truck full of cattails for some backdrop), and let me tell you, it is going to be incredible! It only lasts 4 nights, the week of Nov. 30th I think, so plan accordingly. And dress warm because it's all outside and at night, and there are long waiting lines (with bonfires to keep you warm). I can't wait!

Here is an article in the Church News about it:
(This article is a few years old, and I hear that they're revamping a lot this year. Can't wait to see!)

Cheap Candy

It's so much fun to get great deals, isn't it! So I just had to write about a great one I got today on Halloween candy. 4 regular size bags of candy (2 Milky Way, and 2 fun size M&Ms) and 4 individual Reese's candy bars. TOTAL= $3.68. Plus, the guy forgot to scan one of my coupons, so it should've been more like $3.13, but I wasn't about to go back in and make a stink about something that little. Cool deal, huh. Love it.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Smart Shopping Blogs

I know you're all probably sick of me talking about sale shopping, but I just came across some blogs about saving money that look pretty cool. And both of these have a pretty good listing on the side of other similar blogs. Happy shopping! (Btw, just found out that Winco ad matches. Very happy to hear that:)

And on a sad note, I just found out that most Albertson's (my fave couponing store) in Utah are being sold to Associated Foods. I'm sure I was the last couponer to find out. This means no more awesome Betty Crocker, General Mills, Quaker sales to replenish my food storage. :( Very sad indeed (at least now we have Winco- yeah!). The changeover is happening in the next couple of weeks, so be on the lookout for some cool clearance sales.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Winco is Awesome!!

I went to one of the new Winco's yesterday and had a blast! We had them when we lived in ID and WA, and I've missed them ever since. They don't have ads every week (their only down side), and you have to bag your own groceries (which could be an up side if you're particular about how things are bagged), but the prices are so cheap! You have to go through the sale aisle upon entering the store, to get to the rest of the store, but those sale prices are incredible! And with coupons on top of the sale prices, AMAZING things can happen!

Here are some of the best deals I got yesterday, partly because of their big grand opening event:
-corn syrup 1.88 (which I just bought at Walmart for $4!)
-hot dogs .68
-bologna .88
-bananas .18/lb. (with limit of 8 lbs. I think)
-kiwi, 1# bag (8 ct.) .98
-red bell peppers, .48
-4# frozen boneless skinless chicken breasts 4.78
-1 lb. baby carrots .78
-my fave chili (Nalley Walla Walla Onion) .88
-deli meats for less than $2/lb.
-water chestnuts .48
-12 oz. bacon .98
-Aim toothpaste .58 (with free travel size attached)
-32 oz. Tillamook cheddar 3.98
-Green Giant canned veggies .28 (limit 4, darn)
-Betty Crocker fruit snacks .98 (and I had coupons on top of that!)
-Capri Sun 10pk .98 (limit 2)
-10#bag potatoes .68
-24pk water bottles 1.98 (limit 1)

I'm totally in love with their bulk section, which is very big. How come other stores don't do that?!?!? Anyway, I've always been tempted to try different recipes I come across that involve crystallized ginger, but at $5 for a little tiny jar, I've never felt it's worth it. But I got about a cup of it for 65 cents at the bulk place. I was just so amazed at all they have! I wanted to write down all the different types of flours there, but didn't have time, plus there were a ton of people. I know, I'm weird.

Don't you just get a high from great deals? As soon as I got home and was unloading, I had to tell my sister Laurel all about it. Of course, she doesn't really know what things cost, so I had to explain. "I just went to Walmart and got the name brand corn syrup for $4, but this generic from Winco was less than $2!!" Jeromy, of course, has had years of training to show me his nod-and-smile face when I get home from an awesome grocery trip.

So I had fun, to say the least, and I highly recommend a trip in the near future (especially if you got flyer coupons in the mail). AWESOME!!!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Boy #2

(Sorry this is a day late, yesterday was kind of a whirlwind day.) It's a boy!!!!!!!!!!! You know me and patterns, just love them. So if all goes true to form, he'll look like Jeromy. All of Jacob's red hand-me-down clothing has got to go. :)

The girls were hoping for a girl, but when they found out it was a boy, they quickly and sweetly said, "Oh, now Jacob will have someone to play with! We're so excited for him!" So sweet. We brought the girls with us to the ultrasound and they loved it. I think it made it a little bit more real to them since they've had to put up with Mommy not feeling well for so long. And Audrey asked really good questions (she absolutely loves learning about the human body), like, "Well how is the belly button made?" We got to take 9! pictures home (I'm used to just 3 or 4 tops, so we felt spoiled) and a DVD of a few minutes of the ultrasound. They watched it several times yesterday afternoon, saying things like, "Oh, I'm so glad we saw the baby today" and "I can't wait for the baby!" Even Jacob pointed to the pictures and said, "Baby." Much excitement in our household yesterday, to say the least.

So my scanner is on the fritz and Jeromy (my technical consultant) won't be home for a couple hours, so you'll have to wait to see the actual pix. Sorry. They're so cute! He put out his hand like he was giving us high five! And he was not at all shy about showing us his gender (or outdoor plumbing as the tech called it), spread eagle as he was. And laying down! No fetal position for him. I hope he doesn't get used to that position, oh vey.

It's funny, up until the ultrasound, I couldn't feel any kicks and I was starting to get nervous. I know what to expect by this time around so it was worrying me. I tried to tell myself that I'm probably still numb from my other c-sections and maybe the placenta is on top or something (which it is- which, actually is the best place for it for someone with a scar- so that's good). But ever since the ultrasound, now I can feel little tiny jabs all the time. That never ceases to amaze me. Little life en utero. Even with our ultrasound at 10 weeks (2 months ago), he looked like just 2 big marbles stuck together with 4 little marble appendages attached, and he was already wiggling and kicking! You can't tell me that's not life. So amazing.

The ultrasound tech said this is dos-y-dos (no, not a square dance move), or 2 and 2. Even Steven. But don't ask us if we're done, cuz we don't know. 4 was our minimum, so we'll just see how this one goes. After Jacob, I really thought I was half way done, but I'm not so sure. This is a tricky decision!

So now the Name Game begins. Jeromy and I have been fighting on this one for a couple of years now. I like Benjamin Matthew and he likes Matthew Benjamin. So we might have to just scratch that one all together. So anyway, hopefully I'll get these beautiful pix up soon!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Boy or Girl?

We have our ultrasound tomorrow!! Yeah!!! Any guesses?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Utah Coupon Fans

This looks really awesome! It's supposedly a bag of coupons dropped off on your doorstep every Sunday. What's not to love? So if you're even remotely interested in coupons, you should definitely check this out.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Temple Square Tradition

This adventure to Temple Square during Priesthood Session has become quite a fun tradition for us. This time I had my little sis to help with the kids though, and that made a big difference. I could leave her outside with the kids for a few minutes while I braved the crowds alone to look at books, something near impossible with a stroller and 2 others in tow.

This is what we did: Dropped Daddy off to see if he could get standby tickets (he was given a ticket while in line!), found a parking space, walked up to the JSMB to wait in line for the freebie for the Deseret Book Ladies' Night Out party, while waiting in line we ate our picnic dinner, got the freebie (yeah!), headed right on out to go to the Church History Museum (taking our time walking through Temple Square and looking at the pretty flowers and such), hung out at the childrens' corner of the museum, walked back to the JSMB to get free cookies to go with our hot cocoa from home (which we ate/drank outside next to the temple- very fun), walked over to Deseret Book to paruse through books with less crowds (the girls went crazy in the kids aisle- so happy they love books too), walked over to the taco cart on the corner to meet Dad for a snack, walked over to the mirror pool by the temple, walked back to the car and headed home.

All in all, it was jam packed, but very worth it. Each one of us had an enjoyable time. If anyone wants to join us next time, we'd love it! Although, I'm planning on having a one month old at the next conference, so maybe next fall.

This is the angel Moroni statue in the museum. Audrey had an idea to trick Daddy and show him the picture and say we took it on top of the temple. She couldn't wait to trick him!

Church History Museum's children's corner:

Made a wish in the fountain. Not sure if it's kosher to make a superstitious wish during a spiritual feast that is conference.

Kierra's rockstar pose, midriff and all.

Audrey's Vanna pose.

These last three were taken by my budding young photographer, Audrey.